Solar System
Who formulated the laws of planetary motion >>> Kepler
Solar System >>> The Solar System is a family of eight planets with their satellites the sun, there are some asteroids and comets in large numbers.
planet >>> celestial bodies in orbit around the planet to say.
satellites >>> planets orbiting satellite called the small celestial bodies.
the sun >>> Sun is a gaseous sphere. It also says Tara. The 71 percent hydrogen, helium 26.5 percent and 2 percent are other heavy elements. [The sun rotates on its axis in the east-west direction. ]
Who formulated the laws of planetary motion >>> Kepler
What is called the central part of the sun >>> Core
What is the outer surface temperature of the sun >>> 60000C
Who first four hydrogen nuclei at the center of the sun is a helium nucleus >>> Hansbeth
Diptiman surface of the sun called >>> Lighting System
What is the energy source of the sun >>> Nuclear Fusion. The hydrogen is transformed into helium.
How times larger than our earth is the sun >>> 13 million times
In the time it takes sunlight to reach Earth >>> 8 mins 16.6 secs
The visible part of the sun's eclipse is called >>> Sun diadem
Kirit beam is emitted from the sun, Which >>> X-ray
What is the position of the planets in order of size >>> Jupiter - Saturn - Arun - Neptune - Earth - Venus - Mars - mercury
The position of the planets in order of increasing distance from the Sun is >>> Mercury - Venus - Earth - Mars - Jupiter - Saturn - Arun - Varun
Sury planets orbiting around a series of names >>> Mercury, Mars, Venus, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Arun and Varun.
What are the five planets that can be seen with the naked eye >>> Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars.
What is the largest planet in the solar system - Which >>> Jupiter
Which is the smallest planet in the Solar System - Which >>> Mercury
Which planet is the same except the direction of rotation of the planets and Garnn >>> Venus and uranus
What is the most distinctive feature of Mercury >>> to the magnetic field.
Which - Which planet is visible before the sun rises two hours >>> Mercury
How many days in orbit around Mercury hits >>> 87 days 23 hours
Which planet is closest to Earth - Which >>> Venus
What is the evening or morning star >>> Venus
Which is the brightest and the hottest planet >>> Venus
Which planet to revolve on its axis takes 10 hours of the best >>> Jupiter
How long it takes Jupiter to orbit the Sun >>> 12 years
Who is the largest satellites of Jupiter >>> Gyanimeed. Its color is yellow.
What planet is called the red planet >>> Mars
Why are red Mars planet >>> Aryn due to oxide.
How many satellites Mars planet >>> Two - Phobos and Deimos
What is climate change on the planet similar to Earth >>> Mars
How many hours is rotating on its axis Mars completed >>> 24 hours. It takes 687 days to orbit the Sun.
Who is the biggest volcano in the solar system >>> Olipas (Mars Planet)
Who is the highest mountain in the Solar System - Which >>> Knicks Olympia (Mars Planet)
Olympia Knicks how times higher than Mount Everest >>> three times
Saturn is visible in the sky, what color >>> like yellow stars.
Which is the largest satellite of Saturn - which is equal to the size of Mercury >>> Titan
Arun (uranus), who discovered the >>> William Herschel
What planet sunset sunrise on the east side toward the west >>> Arun
What planet is lying >>> Arun
Arun What is a glut of gas >>> methane
What planet are around nine ring >>> Arun
Varun (neptune) to discover when and who >>> 1846 E. Galle Jhon.
What is green planet >>> Varun
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