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Thursday, 10 April 2014

Affiliate Relationship Testing

Affiliate Relationship Testing – In Hindi

You may also be asked questions by the chart for men ( + ) and women ( - ) indicate that from .
Father's father - grandfather
Father's mother - grandmother
Grandfather / grandmother's son - father
Mother's mother / father - grandfather / grandmother
Father 's younger brother - uncle
Father's elder brother - Tau
Father's younger brother's wife - Aunt
Father's elder brother's wife - Tai
Mother's brother - Uncle
Uncle 's wife - Aunt
Father 's sister - Aunt
Son 's wife - daughter
Mother 's sister - Aunt
Mother's sister's husband - uncle
Grandfather / grandmother 's only daughter - mother
Parents of a son - brother
Parent 's daughter - sister
Daughter 's husband – son in law
Daughter's husband's father / mother - father-in-law / Smdin
Brother's son - nephew
Brother's daughter - niece
Husband's sister - sister
Wife 's sister - sister
Sister Son / Daughter - nephew / niece
The husband 's younger brother - brother
Husband 's elder brother - brother-in-law
Husband / wife's mother - mother
Husband / wife, father - father
Uncle , uncle , uncle , uncle , uncle 's son - brother
Sister 's husband - jija
Father's sister's husband - uncle
Wife's sister's husband – Sadu

A mother says her mother 's only child and daughter of B , then B, A is related to the how .
(A) Maternal father (Nana)
(B) mother
(C) sister
(D) Grandfather (B)

Pointing to a picture of a boy Suresh said , "He is the son of my mother's only son . " How is Suresh related to that guy ?
(a) Brother
(b) uncle
(c) Cousin
(d) Father (d)

With giving a boy , a girl said , "He is the son of the daughter of my uncle's father . " Girl and boy what kind of deals ?
(a) Brother
(b) Nephew
(c) Uncle
(d)son in law (a)

Pointing to a picture Ritu said , " He is the son of my grandfather's only son . " Who is the man in the picture Rituta related ?
(a) Brother
(b) uncle
(c) Cousin
(d) the information is insufficient (a)

Pointing to a picture . Aamir said , "He is the son of the only daughter of my brother's father . " Aamir is related to how the man in the picture ?
(a) Nephew
(b) brother
(c) Father
(d) uncle (d)

Pointing to a woman , Abhijit said , " My brother 's daughter is his granddaughter . " How is the woman related to Abhijit ?
(a) Sister
(b) grandmother
(c) mother in law
(d) Mother (d)

Introducing Sonia, Mahesh says, "She is my mother's only brother, the nephew's wife." How is she related to Mahesh?
(a) Wife
(b) sister
(c) Sister in law
(d) the information is insufficient (a)

Pointing to a man , a woman said , "His mother is the only daughter of my mother . " How is the man related to the woman ?
(a) Mother
(b) grandmother
(c) sister
(d) daughter (a)

Sumit said - "This girl is my mother's grandson 's wife ." Sumit is related to how the girl ?
(a) Brother
(b) grandfather
(c) Husband
(d)father in law (d)

My father 's only brother's wife 's sister 's daughter will do in my relationship . [PCE - 2007]
(A) Sister
(B) Mother
(C) Daughter
(D) sister in law(A)
Mahesh 's brother Rama

and Rama 's father is shyam . Priya Priya 's brother 's daughter 's jagat is syam and white . Who is the world 's uncle .
(B) Mahesh
(C) shyam
(D) None of (A)

A, B is the brother of C, D is the father , D, E is the daughter of the B, D is the sister . E, A 's / The Who . [PCE -2007]
(A) Father
(B) Daughter
(C) Mother
(D) None of these (C)

Vijay says that it is the only son of my mother 's husband's sister 's son 's wife . Victory will belong to him . [PCE -2007]
(A) grandfather
(B) Grandson
(C) Father
(D) Son (C)

A, B 's sister , but B, A 's sister , then the relationship between the A and B both . [PCE -2007]
(A) Brother - Brother
(B) brother - sister
(C) sister - sister
(D) None of these (B)

Arun Anand Anand's brother is the mother of beauty , light Sushma 's father . Honey , honey Arun what type of light is related to the mother ?
(A) Son
(B) Grandson
(C) Pdputr
(D) None of these (C)

With giving a woman said a man , his wife is the only child of my father , so tell me what that person a woman having an affair. [PCE -2007]
(A) Brother
(B) Father
(C) husband
(D) Uncle (C)

Shyamlal with giving a person said "That man is my father's only son"; Shyamlal and the relationship of that person. [PCE -2007]
(A) Brother
(B) Son
(C) Father
(D) grandfather (D)

Pointing to a person sitting in a garden, a girl said she is the only brother of my grandfather's granddaughter. The relationship of the person sitting in the garden, what happened to that girl's mother.
[PCE -2007]
(A) Father
(B) father in laws
(C) Son
(D) Brother (C)

In a joint family, father , mother , three sons and a married daughter is married . Sons of the couple 's two sons - two daughters and one son . The total number of female members in the family . [PCE -2011, 2013]
(A) 4
(B) 7
(C) 8
(D) 9 (D)

Picture of a man pointing a woman said , " His brother 's father is the only son of my grandfather . Female has to do with the man in the picture . [PCE -2011]
(A) Mother
(B) Aunt (chachi)
(C) Sister
(D) Aunt (buaa) (C)

Ramesh and Suresh brother - brother . Rakhi and Geeta are sisters to one another . Gita Ramesh 's brother 's son . Rakhi Suresh and tell each other what to do about it ? [PCE - 2013]
(A) Brother
(B) Father
(C) Uncle
(D) grandfather (C)

The information below is based on
AXB means son of AB .
A + B means that the father of AB .
A> B means is the daughter of AB .
A <B means the wife of AB .
If A, J 's sister, then L> V <J + P and S x A <D + F <E + K , the following
Which pair of displays cousin . If you have been given that A, J 's sister .
(A) EK
(B) SA
(C) SP
(D) PK (C)

The information below is based on
AXB means son of AB .
A + B means that the father of AB .
A> B means is the daughter of AB .
A <B means the wife of AB .
If M, F 's grandmother reading the question mark (? ) Instead which would indicate ?
F x R <S? M
(A) X
(B) +
(D) <(A)