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Wednesday, 2 April 2014


When the molten material in the earth - slag , ash , water vapor , and other gases solids out of the hole or crack in the volcano says

Image Source :- destination360.com'

The volcano is called nature 's safety valve .
Amount of water vapor in volcanic 80-90 per cent.
The addition of water vapor in the volcano - carbon dioxide , hydrogen , nitrogen gas diffuses are .

Liquid magma below the earth 's volcanic says.
After the fluid above ground volcanic lava says.
Cinder - the wind was blowing when lava cools and turns into small solid pieces Cinder he says.

There are three types of volcanic eruptions per term -
1. Active volcano ,
2 . Dormant volcano and
3 . Dead or dormant volcano .

Active - a volcano whose mouth always dust , smoke , vapor , gas , ash , slag , etc., are substances exit . Kilau is the world's most active volcanoes of the Hawaiian Islands . Active volcano, Barren Island in Andaman - Nicobar is .

Dormant volcano - a volcano which is not a speech . But it can be activated anytime . Andaman - Nicobar island 's dormant volcano Narkodmm .

Dead or dormant volcano - a volcano which has not ऐtihasikal no speech nor seems likely to be reactivated .

Australia is a continent , not a single volcano .
Greater amounts of volcanic lava deposits of the area around the mountain is formed when Jwalmuki .
Caldera - an old volcanic crater formed at the upper end .
Philippine Islands is a country with the world's most active volcanoes .
Geyser - Geyser hot springs are . This relationship is of volcanic activity .
Gunare - the lean gas and steam holes that are left .

Coldera - The construction subsidence crater or volcanic eruptions caused by the explosive .

The world 's tallest volcano Cotopaxi ( Ecuador ) is .
Akankagua dormant volcano in the world is located at the altitude ( Andes ranges ) is .
Vlkenian crater is like a cabbage patch .

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